Explore Dr. Pavan Duggal’s involvement in significant projects focused on digital law and privacy. Learn about his contributions to impactful initiatives that drive progress and innovation in the field.
- United Nations Ecosystem
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP)
- WSIS Forum 2022
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- Globethics.Net
- High-Level Policy Session 9: Inclusiveness, Access to Information and Knowledge for All/WSIS Action Lines and 2030 Agenda/Bridging Digital Divide
- Round Table on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity
- New Normal: are we ready for it
- Cyberlaw: An Asian Perspective
- Digital Entrapment
- Brainstorming and Knowledge Café -WSIS Forum 2022: WSIS Multistakeholder Alliance on ICTs and Older Persons
- Digital Transformation & Innovations in Cyber Security, ICT based on 5G,IOT, Blockchain, AI, VR, Big Data & other new technologies and Linking Education with ICTs Capacity Building & Employability
- Oxford Process on International Law Protections in Cyberspace
- UNESCO Survey Report On “Radicalization, Youth And Internet: Acting And
Preventing Together” - 13th CMAI ICT World Communication Summit 2019 Citation
- The Oxford Statement on International Law Protections in Cyberspace: The Regulation of Ransomware Operations
- Training Program for International Court of Justice
- WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Panel
- UNICEF Expert Consultation on Child Online Safety in India (2016)
- E-ASEAN Task Force
- Internet and the Radicalization of Youth: Preventing, Acting and Living Together
- Ethical dimensions of the information society linked to sustainable development
- ICANN Membership Advisory Committee
- ASSOCHAM’s Cyber Security Committee
- Ficci